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History Channel

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History Channel

Watch exclusive video clips and full episodes of your favorite History Channel shows with their online video player. The History Channel features a comprehensive library of video and speeches. You can even create a playlist of video you want to watch. Topics covered include "This Day in History", "U.S. History", "Military and War", "Science and Technology", "Mysteries of History", "Exploration", "Society and Culture", "World History", and "Political and Historical Figures". You will need Macromedia Flash to view History Channel video.

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  • 0 props
    about the program related to the europe after worl war II
    the question about Belgium, and why they didn't want the King Leopold II. you said, because Belgians never did forgot that the belgian army did surrender..
    and that is not correct
    The King Leopold and his children were in Germany as prisonner of war..
    and he did married during his captivity.. and that is why some of the socialist Wallons of the country didn't want as a king in the 1950... because they did feel that he could married while in prison and they couldn't
    but dfeinitely not because the sorrenders... who could resist to the german army not even France or England did
    they did fight for 18 days..
    nicole vandenbreede
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