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Discovery Atlas

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Discovery Atlas

The Discovery Channel and Discovery HD Theater series present, Discovery Atlas, running each Sunday night at 9 p.m. ET/PT throughout October. Viewers can enhance their Discovery Atlas viewing experience through the following live, synchronous interactive TV. The website provides a unique experience with an in-depth and engaging online tour that has extensive features, including:
  • Geography-based trivia questions synchronized to Discovery Atlas.
  • Exclusive bonus information on cultures and personal stories profiled in the series.
  • In-depth facts and figures on each show's profiled country.
  • Scenic postcard images created from jigsaw puzzle pieces collected during the interactive event.
The ATLAS journey began Sunday, October 1, 2006, with the global world premiere of Discovery Atlas: China Revealed, as narrated by Emmy Award-winning actor James Spader. Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed aired Sunday, October 8, followed by Discovery Atlas: Brazil Revealed (Sunday, October 15) and Discovery Atlas: Australia Revealed (Sunday, October 22). Twenty countries in all will be explored during the series' planned run over the next five years.

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