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Berlin - a cosmopolitan, exciting capital, a city of culture with international appeal. In the middle of it all: the Berlinale – not only the city’s largest cultural event, but also one of the most important dates on the international film industry’s calendar. More than 19,000 film professionals from 120 countries, including 3,800 journalists, are accredited for the Berlin International Film Festival every year. The Berlinale is truly a mega event. At the same time, it is a festival of encounters and discussions. The Berlinale is not only a film industry meeting, it also enjoys by far the largest audience of any film festival in the world. For two weeks, art, glamour, parties and business meet at the Berlinale. During the festival, all official press conferences and photo calls as well as the arrival of guests at the Red Carpet before premieres in the Berlinale Palast are broadcast live.

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    We are looking for TV network that work well with our 55 million urban American viewers. We are looking for partnering with network that know how to market to Latinos and Blacks. Our market genrates over 300 million in concsumer goods and services. Our entertainment in music, films, clothes lead the world in 13 to 40 catagory world of Hip Hop. So right now how do wee match up? Is your network right for urban America?
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