Brothers and Sisters is a television show featuring
Sally Field as Nora, the matriarch of the Walker family which consists of Sarah, Tommy, Kevin, Justin and Kitty. Nora is loved deeply by her children but they often disagree with
The Way she handles situations.
Nora's involvement with all of the family's turmoil on Brothers and Sisters is at the heart of each show.
Sally Field is perfect for this role as she can be both apathetic and sympathetic in her dealings with her children and their problems. Nora's deceased husband, William, had founded Ojai Foods, a California winery which has become very successful. However
The Business falls into the hands of Holly, a woman William once had an affair with. This changes the whole tone of the show and more secrets, lies and mysteries begin to surface which is what Brothers and Sisters is all about.
Brothers and Sisters recognizes the true feelings of family members better than other shows of the same genre. All of the characters are likable (save nasty Holly and a newly introduced member of the family, Ryan) and therefore, people sympathize with their various problems. At the heart of many episodes the family dinner (usually prepared by efficient Nora) include a lot of wine drinking and a lot of boisterous conversation usually pertaining to one or all of the Walkers.
Brothers and Sisters touches on most human aspects of life: death, infidelity, career difficulties, addiction, love and regrets. It touches upon situations of which a lot of people can truly identify. Because of this, viewers are drawn to the strong characters and
The Way that they handle or solve their problems.