Defying Gravity is a new TV series that aired its first episode on August 2nd, 2009. The story is set in the year 2052 and follows the lives of eight astronauts. The astronauts are on a six year mission aboard an internationally owned spaceship called the "Antares". They are on a 6 year mission to explore the solar system, and absolutely everything the astronauts do is monitored. There is a subplot, in which the astronauts’ activities are broadcast back to Earth for people to see in a documentary-style fashion.
Defying Gravity is an interesting television show and is so far well received by Sci-Fi fans. The astronauts are made up of various nationalities and have their own unique rolls to play. Nadia Schilling (
Florentine Lahme) is the ships pilot, Dr. Evram Mintz (
Eyal Podell) is the on-board psychiatrist/doctor, and Steve Wassenfelder (
Dylan Taylor) is a theoretical physicist. Each astronaut has a specific job to do, and the character interaction on the show is well written. Defying Gravity is produced by Fox Television Studios, Omni Film Productions, and BBC.
Each member of the crew wears a device designed to inhibit their libido, but some crew members still develop romantic relationships with each other. The show is both a drama and science fiction simultaneously, and quite different than most other shows on Television at the moment. If you are looking for an engaging show that is a little outside of the norm, this may be a show you would enjoy.