Dollhouse is a TV series which debuted on FOX in February 2009. The science fiction thriller centers around a woman named Echo (
Eliza Dushku) who belongs to a group known as "Dolls" or "Actives". Dolls have had all their own memories erased, and can be imprinted with a combination of skills, physical attributes and personalities of others. The Dolls are imprinted in order to optimize them for a particular assignment, which are mostly criminal acts, with an occasional act of goodness thrown in.
The "Doll House" is the mysterious headquarters of the research facility which imprints and controls the Dolls, through a number of employees and handlers. When not in use, the Dolls are returned to an "inactive" state in which their minds are again wiped clean. The location of the Dollhouse is in the Los Angeles area, although no specific address is ever given. The vast majority of the activities done on behalf of the research facility are illegal, and constantly under threat by FBI agent Paul Ballard (
Tahmoh Penikett) who tracks the activities with the help of a former Doll named Alpha.
Dollhouse is
The Creation of writer-director
Joss Whedon, who previously worked on cult TV classics Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.