This funny, Emmy award winning animated TV sit-com has conquered hearts all over the world, and for many good reasons. The sci-fi aura that revolves around Matt Groening's Futurama, only adds to the amusingly funny and ironic remarks uttered by the robot character Bender. The main human character named Fry is an average Joe that was frozen in the 2000s who finds himself awake and surrounded by future creatures, owners of very human characteristics but with very unique backgrounds.
Futurama's plot evolves around the main character Fry, the one-eyed alien captain Leela, the heavy smoking, hard core drinking, kleptomaniacal and egocentric robot Bender and the 160 years old grumpy Professor Hubert Farnsworth, who happens to be Fry's distant intelligent nephew. Together they are constantly finding themselves in different worlds, fighting battles and issues that are particular to the future and its disastrous realities. Some of the secondary characters that are as funny as the main ones include: planet Decapod 10's lobster-like creature Dr. Zoidberg, the rich and clumsy Amy who's a Chinese born in Mars and the Jamaican bureaucrat accountant called Hermes.
This incredibly creative cast makes Futurama a highly recommended series filled with funny stories that relate to us now and that shows the spectators a future that might be preposterously amusing.
If you enjoy anything neatly done, with strong characters and with a highly entrancing plot, Futurama has everything you need in one show. Futurama is pure Entertainment.
Thursday at 10:00 PM on Comedy Central
March 28, 1999
30 minutes