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Hole in the Wall
The Fox show Hole in the Wall is a game show where contestants are dressed in shining metallic jumpsuits and are faced with an approaching wall that has slits or holes of various shapes in it. The Players must contort their body to try and fit through the hole. If they don't get through the hole, the wall pushes them into a pool of water that is located directly behind them. The contestants work in teams of three like the Pretzel Makers vs. the Tortilla Makers. Teams like the Soccer Moms vs. the Hip-Hop Moms and Surfer Girls vs. Surfer Boys can't help but attract young audiences.

The show is sparse in its regular cast which looks like they only have an emcee, an attractive host who announces to the team, "Are you ready to face the wall?" The audience helps quite a bit in keeping the tempo upbeat and the antics of the contestants as they try to fit into the holes some of which are two small for their bodies is really hilarious.
Thursday at 8:00 PM on FOX
September 11, 2008
60 minutes


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Hole in the Wall Seasons and Full Episodes

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Watch Hole in the Wall Season 4
Watch Hole in the Wall Season 3
Watch Hole in the Wall Season 2
Watch Hole in the Wall Season 1

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