The King of Queens is a sitcom ran from 1998 to 2007. The show revolvers around the life of married couple Doug and Carrie Heffernan. Arthur, Carrie's dad, lives in the basement of the Heffernan house.King of Queens main plots revolves around Doug, Carrie, and Arthur trying to get out of a hilarious situation.
Doug Heffernan is played by
Kevin James. Doug is a parcel deliveryman who has a lighthearted, but sometime immature personality. Doug often comes up with crazy schemes to getting what he wants or to get out of situations. The plan usually fails and causes a fight between him and Carrie. When at home, he likes to watch television and play poker in the garage with his friends.
Carrie Heffernan is played by
Leah Remini. Carrie is a legal secretary. She has is sarcastic with a bad temper, but can still be loving to her family and friends. Carrie goal is to make her relationship have more meaning and romantic. She tries to find ways to improve Doug, but her plans usually go haywire.
Arthur Spooner is played by
Jerry Stiller. Arthur is known for his wild schemes and having rambling outbursts. His behavior causes chaos regularly. Since he is always around, Carrie and Doug are trying to find ways to get him out of the house for alone time. Arthur means well and has good intentions that eventually revel themselves to other characters.
King of Queens is a comedy that will leave you laughing every time.