King of the Hill is a popular animated comedy series created by
Mike Judge and
Greg Daniels that circles around the Hills, an average, small-town Methodist family in Arlen, Texas. King of the Hill’s characters include Hank Hill, Peggy Hill, Bobby Hill, Luanne Platter, Dale Gribble, Bill Dauterive, and Jeff Boomhauer. Hank Hill is the father of the family and an assistant manager of Strickland Propane. Hank is obsessed with his lawn, propane, propane accessories, and loves his beer. Peggy Hill is the mother of the family, a substitute Spanish teacher, and Texas State Boggle Champion. Bobby Hill is the 13-year-old son of the family who’s ambitions include being either a proctologist, comic (stand-up or prop), or shaman. Luanne Platter is Peggy’s niece and lives with the family. Luanne is known for her uneducated remarks. Dale, Bill, and Jeff are Hank’s best friends and can most often be seen with Hank standing outside drinking a beer. King of the Hill was created in 1995.