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Paranormal State
Ryan Buell is the lead investigator and person who started the group. He says he had a paranormal experience when he was younger and has put this team together to help him find the answers he is looking for. They have investigated well known places, but mostly try to help owners of private homes who seem to have problems with unexplained happenings in their home.

Paranormal State is now in it's third season on the A&E network and seems to be increasing in popularity. The rest of the investigating crew include Katrina, who does the interviews with the clients, Heather, who is the team documentarian, Sergey, the tech specialist, and Elfie who is a specialist in the occult.

They have brought in other people to help with certain investigations, such as psychic Chip Coffey, when the need arises. The investigations are quite interesting, and they always try to debunk the paranormal activity, but sometimes even they can not explain what the cause of some of the events they have experienced is, other than that is likely not of this world.

Anyone who is interested in spirits and paranormal phenomena will love this show, as well as Ryan and his cast of investigators. Every episode is a new adventure in a new place, and you never know what is going to take place.
Monday at 10:00 AM on A&E
December 10, 2007
30 minutes


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Paranormal State Seasons and Full Episodes

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Watch Paranormal State Season 6
Watch Paranormal State Season 5
Watch Paranormal State Season 4
Watch Paranormal State Season 3
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Watch Paranormal State Season 1

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