Prison Break is a popular television drama series created by
Paul Scheuring. The first season of the drama circled around two brothers, namely, Lincoln Burrows, who has been sentenced to die for murdering Terrence Steadman, the brother of the Vice President of the United States, a crime he did not commit, and Michael Scofield, who would do anything to get in and help his brother escape the Fox River State Penitentiary. Michael Scofield is armed with prison blueprints and an impossibly intricate escape plan to help his brother escape and then show that his brother was framed by The Company, a shadowy group responsible for destroying their lives and killing the woman Michael loves, Dr. Sara Tancredi.
Following the escape of Lincoln Burrows, the Prison Break series follows the two brothers as fugitives journey to locations across the country and later across Panama to the prison Sona. The two brothers are determined to expose and take down The Company.