The Middle is a sitcom that airs on ABC and portrays life as a genuine blue collar American family. The family that the show centers around is the Hecks who are an All-American Midwestern family from Indiana. The storylines consistently show how the Hecks balance conflict with blue-collar understanding and compassion.
The Hecks consist of Frankie and Mike Heck along with their three children, Axl, Sue and Brick. Each character in The Middle brings their own set of issues to the forefront but they also bring a sense of warmth that endears the viewer to the situation at hand. Mike is a typical blue-collar laborer who takes life as it comes at him. Frankie, played by
Patricia Heaton, is a self-conscious bundle of nerves who creates as much anxiety as life throws at her. Axl is the oldest child that is confident and very sure of himself. Sue is a teenager that is extremely neurotic in her ways and has a hard time finding success in just about everything she attempts. Brick is an intelligent child that would prefer to be by himself reading rather than being with other kids his age. He attends classes to deal with his “issues” but in the end he always seems to do fine.
The Middle is a very good show that many people would easily find comparisons to make with their own lives. The Middle does a good job of showing the problems that many typical Americans face on a daily basis and try to keep to themselves. The only difference is that The Middle makes you laugh about it.