The Office is a popular comedy television series that takes a documentary-style look into the daily semantics of office life. The Office follows the lives of several office employees as they work through their various relationships, personality traits, and run-of-the-mill office interactions such as meetings, team-building activities, conflict resolution, etc. Cameras follow the employees around the office (and sometimes out) with the filming style of a documentary where the workers acknowledge the presence of the camera and often provide one-on-one interviews and personal takes.
The Office was originally aired in the United Kingdom by the BBC and was created by
Ricky Gervais and
Stephen Merchant. Since then The Office has become wildly popular in the U.S. and around the world under different titles such as Le Bureau, Stromberg, La Ofis, and La Job.
The form of The Office has been termed a "mockumentary" or "docu-reality".