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The View
The View is a daytime talk show that regularly sparks controversy. The show started in 1997, with host Barbara Walters and a group of 4 women. They normally have one celebrity on during each show promoting his or her new movie or book. The cast has had some dramatic changes in the past few years, which has resulted in even more controversy. The most recent cast is made up of Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Sherri Shepard. Elisabeth Hasselbeck tends to stir up the most controversy with her conservative views.

Joy Behar is the only original panelists besides Barbara Walters. Meredith Viera left the show to join the cast of The Today Show in 2006. Star Jones, an original panelist, was fired in 2006. She has been very public about her termination from the show. Rosie O'Donnell was a co-host of the show from 2006-2007, during which she had a heated debate with Hasselbeck over the Bush administration’s handling of the Iraq war.

The View panelists talk about current events. Each panelist normally has a different opinion, and provides a healthy debate. The panelists won an Emmy award in 2009 for best talk show hosts. In 2009, The View won the NAACP award for best talk show.


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The View Seasons and Full Episodes

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Watch The View Season 28
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Watch The View Season 19
Watch The View Season 18
Watch The View Season 17
Watch The View Season 14
Watch The View Season 13
Watch The View Season 12
Watch The View Season 11
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Watch The View Season 9
Watch The View Season 8
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Watch The View Season 4
Watch The View Season 3
Watch The View Season 2
Watch The View Season 1

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