Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars is a show, based on a popular novel that was first aired on ABC Family on June...
The Event
The Event is a one hour drama series on NBC about Sean Walker (played by
United States of Tara
The hit comedy-drama United States of Tara is a show created by
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-air is a sitcom that originally aired from 1990-1996. A young
Tough a standard community college degree can be achieved in two years the cast of NBC’s comedy...
Though the airtime was short lived, Deadwood, produced by David...
Falling Skies
Falling Skies grabs the viewer with compelling story and great effects. The Earth has been invaded...
Science Fiction fans will definitely want to check out "Torchwood," a spin-off from the long-running...
This funny, Emmy award winning animated TV sit-com has conquered hearts all over the world, and for...
Robot Chicken
Robot Chicken began airing on February 10th, 2005 and since then
Fringe is a FOX television show about the fringe division of the FBI, which is located in the Boston...
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Atlantis is a science fiction spin-off TV show of Stargate SG-1 which in turn was a series...
American Dad
American Dad is a satirical animated comedy from the minds that created Family Guy. Building off the...
Melrose Place
In 1992, a new night time soap opera debuted, this time it was Melrose Place! With some assistance...
Project Runway
It's time to sharpen the needles and thread the bobbins because Project Runway has some serious...
The Simpsons
A pioneer for animated prime time television, The Simpsons, hit the air waves with more than a bang....
My Own Worst Enemy
My Own Worst Enemy is a television drama that brought the well known 90s star
Desperate Housewives
ABC's multiple award winning show, Desperate Housewives started airing October 3rd of 2004 and has...
Marti Perkins, the star of CW's Hellcats, is a young, edgy law student from Memphis, TN, and not...
Mr. Sunshine