The Real Housewives of New York City
The Real Housewives of New York City is a reality show on Bravo that follows the lives of seven...
CSI: NY is an extremely popular crime drama television series created by Anthony E. Zuiker and...
Necessary Roughness
Necessary Roughness is a football drama that first aired on the USA network in June of 2011. The...
Law & Order
Created by Dick Wolf in 1990, Law & Order has continued to engage audiences until the last episode...
Friends is a popular TV show that ran from 1994 to 2004. It is about a group of six friends trying...
Sex and the City
Being a single woman in her thirties is never easy but being a single 30 something sex columnist...
Flight of the Conchords
Part sitcom and part musical, HBO’s comedy Flight of the Conchords is a hilarious look at the lives...
How to Make It in America
How to Make It in America is an HBO television program that first aired in 2010. The producers...
P. Diddy Presents the Bad Boys of Comedy
Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, or P. Diddy is making news again with his new venture. P. Diddy: The Bad...
Real Time With Bill Maher
Bill Maher is a political satirist, comedian, author and actor that was trained at Cornell...
The Real World
The Real World is a reality television series owned and operated by MTV. The Real World features the...
Bored to Death
Bored to Death is a television comedy series that began airing on HBO in 2009. The creator of the...
Nurse Jackie
Edie Falco plays as title character Jackie Peyton in the Showtime original series, Nurse Jackie....
The Sopranos
The Sopranos is everything the mob stands for and then some. This show is packed with a little of...
Oz is an American series that ran from 1997 until 2003 on the HBO premium cable network. The show...
Just Shoot Me
Just Shoot Me is an ensemble comedy following the lives of the staff of the fictional fashion...
Without A Trace
Set in New York City, Without A Trace offers suspense and an opportunity to become part of a missing...
30 Rock
30 Rock is an American comedy series that airs on Thursday nights on NBC. It was created by
General Hospital
General Hospital is an ABC daytime drama that is set in the upper New York town of Port Charles....
Heroes is a science fiction television drama series that premiered on NBC in September of 2006. It...