The TV series ER, ran for 15 years, and helped launch the careers of many actors. The show was...
Scrubs is a TV show on ABC entering into its ninth season in Fall of 2009. The show was originally...
Just Shoot Me
Just Shoot Me is an ensemble comedy following the lives of the staff of the fictional fashion...
Generation Kill
Generation Kill (TV Series), the Emmy Winning 2008 seven part Miniseries by HBO is an in depth look...
Eastbound and Down
HBO presents the extremely funny comedy show entitled Eastbound & Down, which stars
The Good Guys (2010)
The main characters of The Good Guys, Jack and Dan, go from one police investigation to the next in...
Friends is a popular TV show that ran from 1994 to 2004. It is about a group of six friends trying...
NCIS is a crime procedural television show based on the real-life Naval Criminal Investigative...
The Closer
Premiering in June of 2005, the Closer is a popular crime drama on TNT. It centers around Deputy...
Without A Trace
Set in New York City, Without A Trace offers suspense and an opportunity to become part of a missing...
How could a show about nothing become a phenomenon? Just ask
Star Trek
Back in the late 1960's come a television show unlike any other at
Law & Order
Created by Dick Wolf in 1990, Law & Order has continued to engage audiences until the last episode...
Important Things With Demetri Martin
Jon Stewart's production company called Busboy Productions made Important Things with
Airing September 22, 2004 on ABC, the TV series, Lost, premiered. Introducing an intricate ensemble...
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