Dollhouse is a TV series which debuted on FOX in February 2009. The science fiction thriller centers...
What would you do
What Would You Do is a hidden camera television show that places unsuspecting people into very...
The Office
The Office is a popular comedy television series that takes a documentary-style look into the daily...
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy is a drama series made by Kurt Sutter, depicting the lives of a closely woven...
Oz is an American series that ran from 1997 until 2003 on the HBO premium cable network. The show...
Boardwalk Empire
Martin Scorcese's, Boardwalk Empire, received critical acclaim during its first season on HBO....
Defying Gravity
Defying Gravity is a new TV series that aired its first episode on August 2nd, 2009. The story is...
Mental is one of the best shows on television today. Though the name suggests that it may deal with...
Lincoln Heights
There is a reason Lincoln Heights is one of the most talked about family series on television....
Leverage is a series currently airing on TNT. It premiered in 2008 and stars Academy Award winner
The Vampire Diaries
Set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, VA, The Vampire Diaries uses witty banter, supernatural...
Paranormal State
Ryan Buell is the lead investigator and person who started the group. He says he had a paranormal...
Ghost Hunters
Through the past years the show Ghost Hunters has quickly become one of SYFY's smash hits. This show...
Mobbed is an absolutely hilarious new show on the Fox network.
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