Bored to Death
Bored to Death is a television comedy series that began airing on HBO in 2009. The creator of the...
NCIS is a crime procedural television show based on the real-life Naval Criminal Investigative...
Camelot views the legend of King Arthur with a modern lens, giving equal power and focus to the male...
The First 48
The First 48, shown on A&E, chronicles homicide detectives as they investigate a murder. According...
South Park
South Park offers mature audiences a sardonic, sarcastic view of life through the misadventures of...
Brothers and Sisters
Brothers and Sisters is a television show featuring Sally...
Whistler was a Canadian television drama that premiered on CTV on June 25, 2006. The story takes...
The legend of Merlin comes to life in this BBC series. Inspired by American hit Smallville and set...
The TV series ER, ran for 15 years, and helped launch the careers of many actors. The show was...
The Vampire Diaries
Set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, VA, The Vampire Diaries uses witty banter, supernatural...
All My Children
All My Children first hit the airwaves in 1970, helped into the spotlight by the presence of
Covert Affairs
Annie Walker, the star of USA's Covert Affairs is like a lot of other twenty-eight year olds: smart,...
Six Feet Under
Six Feet Under sustained its critically-acclaimed quality throughout 5 seasons of family dynamics,...
John Adams
John Adams (TV miniseries) chronicles the life of the USA's second president from the Boston...
Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars is a show, based on a popular novel that was first aired on ABC Family on June...