The Event
The Event is a one hour drama series on NBC about Sean Walker (played by
Rome was an HBO original series that followed the lives of Roman citizens during the 1st Century...
The Rachel Maddow Show
The Rachel Maddow Show is a political news show that airs on MSNBC. Maddow offers her audience...
Fringe is a FOX television show about the fringe division of the FBI, which is located in the Boston...
The gripping television series “Intervention” features a struggling alcoholic or drug addict and...
Conan (2010)
Conan O’Brien is an experienced talk show host that brings his expertise to the hilarious late night...
Mr. Sunshine
The HBO show Carnivàle premiered in 2003, and was another unique series for the cable station. The...
Pardon the Interruption
Pardon the Interruption (PTI) is a sports television talk show. It airs weekdays on several...
Dexter Morgan is an achingly smart, strapping fellow who comes from a line of revered cops. He is...
The Daily Show
The Daily Show, also known as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,...
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama created by Shonda Rhimes that premiered on ABC in 2005. Since its...
Cold Case
No matter how many years after the crime, if you find evidence that will bring a new light to the...
20/20 is an hour-long American television news magazine program hosted by
The Colbert Report
The Colbert Report is a comedy show that was created and is hosted by
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon has brought an interesting twist...
The View
The View is a daytime talk show that regularly sparks controversy. The show started in 1997, with...
Paranormal State
Ryan Buell is the lead investigator and person who started the group. He says he had a paranormal...
SportsCenter is the keystone of the ESPN network and is a news show dedicated to sports news....
Mobbed is an absolutely hilarious new show on the Fox network.