Chuck is a quirky NBC comedy detailing the life and adventures of hapless computer repairman Chuck...
The Simpsons
A pioneer for animated prime time television, The Simpsons, hit the air waves with more than a bang....
Arrested Development
Arrested Development is a hysterically clever and witty series based around the Bluth family. The...
The Millionaire Matchmaker
The Millionaire Matchmaker is a reality television show that focuses on matching up wealthy people...
The Event
The Event is a one hour drama series on NBC about Sean Walker (played by
Warehouse 13
Warehouse 13 is an American SyFy series, centering around the supernatural, which began in July of...
This funny, Emmy award winning animated TV sit-com has conquered hearts all over the world, and for...
NCIS is a crime procedural television show based on the real-life Naval Criminal Investigative...
Fox television and Nip/Tuck creator Ryan Murphy have done it...
Burn Notice
The television show "Burn Notice" is an action drama shown on USA Network starring
Guiding Light
Guiding Light is the longest running daytime soap opera in television history. It tells the story of...
Friends is a popular TV show that ran from 1994 to 2004. It is about a group of six friends trying...
The Middle
The Middle is a sitcom that airs on ABC and portrays life as a genuine blue collar American family....
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