Heroes is a science fiction television drama series that premiered on NBC in September of 2006. It...
The Bachelorette
The first episode of The Bachelorette aired on ABC on January 8, 2003. It is hosted by
Deadliest Catch
One of the biggest hits for the Discovery Channel, and a big hit for cable TV in general, is the...
Game of Thrones
Based on the critically acclaimed books of George R. R. Martin, HBO's Game of Thrones is a fantasy...
Detroit 1-8-7
In a sea of neon-lit procedurals and reality TV, Detroit 187 stands out as a realistic-but-gritty...
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants is an animated Nickelodeon television series based on several unusual...
Scrubs is a TV show on ABC entering into its ninth season in Fall of 2009. The show was originally...
30 Rock
30 Rock is an American comedy series that airs on Thursday nights on NBC. It was created by
American Dad
American Dad is a satirical animated comedy from the minds that created Family Guy. Building off the...
Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica was a 1970's era American science fiction television show. It stayed on the air...
Desperate Housewives
ABC's multiple award winning show, Desperate Housewives started airing October 3rd of 2004 and has...
Dollhouse is a TV series which debuted on FOX in February 2009. The science fiction thriller centers...
Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights is a television show highlighting the small town of Dillon, Texas, and the...
This funny, Emmy award winning animated TV sit-com has conquered hearts all over the world, and for...
General Hospital
General Hospital is an ABC daytime drama that is set in the upper New York town of Port Charles....
South Park
South Park offers mature audiences a sardonic, sarcastic view of life through the misadventures of...
The A-Team
The A-Team was a popular NBC series that followed the ups and downs of four former Army soldiers who...
The Biggest Loser
The Biggest Loser is a weight loss reality television competition. Currently going into its eighth...
Better Off Ted
Dexter Morgan is an achingly smart, strapping fellow who comes from a line of revered cops. He is...