Whistler was a Canadian television drama that premiered on CTV on June 25, 2006. The story takes...
Breaking Bad
Six time Emmy Award winner Breaking Bad is a landmark for AMC in establishing a reputation for high...
Full House
Running for 8 seasons from 1987 to 1995, Full House is one of the few shows that proved the critics...
Modern Family
Modern Family may be the hottest comedy to hit network television in recent memory. Since its debut...
CSI: Miami
CSI: Miami is an extremely popular crime drama television series created by Anthony E. Zuiker and...
The Bachelorette
The first episode of The Bachelorette aired on ABC on January 8, 2003. It is hosted by
Detroit 1-8-7
In a sea of neon-lit procedurals and reality TV, Detroit 187 stands out as a realistic-but-gritty...
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