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Ep. #9107

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All My Children

Babe continues to beg Jamie to take his Aunt Phoebe's offer. Jamie becomes angrier over the will and other events, so he leaves Babe by herself. Several hours later, while Babe is at home, nervous and waiting, Jamie comes home. He picks Babe up and tells her that he won't leave her. JR tries to get Kendall into bed again, by planting kisses. Kendall gets frustrated at JR for trying to make love with her, but is surprised when JR tells how he turned down Chandler Enterprises for her. He uses Ethan to help soften Kendall and to get her to lose all feelings for Ethan, by telling her how Ethan's value of her is only Chandler Enterprises. Kendall, still shocked that JR was willing to give up Chandler Enterprises, asks him, if he is falling for her. JR responds by telling her that he is falling madly in lust for her, and that love is for losers. As Kendall has more second-thoughts about Ethan, JR wonders why Kendall still cares about Ethan, who lied to her. Maria visits Zack. Zack, who is st

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