Breaking In is an American television series first airing on April 6, 2011, replacing Running Wild. The series revolves around a team of hackers and thieves at the Contra Security firm tasked with breaking into parts of the firm in order to test for weaknesses.
Bret Harrison is Cameron Price, a hacker caught by Contra trying to provide himself with a lifelong full scholarship to the university he attended.
Jennifer Irwin is the office manager.
Michael Rosenbaum plays Dutch, who sells his clean urine on the internet for people taking drug tests.
Alphonso McAuley is Cassius "Cash" Sparks, gadgeteer and fanboy.
Trevor Moore plays Josh Armstrong, a psychoanalyst that manipulates people similar to Christian Slater's character. Slater plays Oz, who was at one time a criminal and counterfeiter. He heads Contra Security and generally finds pleasure in messing around with
The Other characters.
Various plots include breaking into an elderly woman's house, helping a NASCAR Champion, and elements of characters personal lives such as when Melanie, who is Dutch's girlfriend, reunites with her father the same day the team tests an art museum's security.