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06.27.01 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview: Luke finds a corpse that bears his name. Recap: When Carly showed up at the lakehouse to confront Angel about their fender bender, she was initially hostile until she realized that she was simply taking out her anger on Angel. She apologized for her behavior and explained that she was distraught over losing her husband and potentially losing her son. She told Angel about the custody suit over Michael and said that if her name turned up in a court case, it would give her ex-husband ammunition against her. Angel agreed to have her insurance company drop the claim and Carly was extremely grateful. She also gave Angel a quick recap on her love for Sonny and how she had caused such a great mess between them. Angel listened without saying a word about Sonny. On the porch, Mike found Sonny's wedding ring and realized he was probably in the house. He told Carly that he knew where Sonny was and she immediately demanded that he take her to him. Rethinking his position, Mike covered and

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