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Jamie is a crack addict whose struggles began when his family moved from a small rural community in Ontario to Calgary, Alberta. When he was 12, he fell in with the wrong crowd and started disappearing for days at a time. He began stealing from his parents to buy alcohol, a habit that eventually led to stealing liquor to sell in the street. His alcohol addiction escalated to crack, opiates, and just about anything he could get his hands on. Now 26, Jamie is estranged from his entire family, and has trouble towing the line in the shelters he sometimes calls home. He wanders the streets and parks of Oshawa, Ontario, a solitary figure in search of his next fix. Meanwhile, he has a four-year-old daughter he has never met. Without an intervention he will likely not see 35, and more importantly, will have no chance of giving his daughter the father she deserves. Interventionist: Andrew Galloway

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