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Sleep On It
The television show, Sleep On It debuted January 1, 2008 on HGTV. Brian Davis narrates the series' half-hour segments. The production is a reality based series featuring potential home-buyers. The basic premise for each show allows the potential home-buyers to choose between two homes. Once they have made their selection they have twenty-four hours to occupy the home before finalizing the deal, hence the name, Sleep On It.

As reality shows go, this one connects to a nerve most of us can identify with. The chance to trial run what will ultimately be the biggest purchase of our lives. Here, the producers hit on a real live wire that the audience could readily identify with, the chance to Sleep On It. How many times have we all made a deal in the heat of the moment that we would have liked to have changed after a cool down period. Sleep On It made that painfully aware to the viewing audience. Think things out, don't get caught up in the sale's pitch. For that reason alone, is the central nerve to the show's vitality.


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