Sons of Anarchy is a drama series made by Kurt Sutter, depicting the lives of a closely woven motorcycle club in the fictional town of Charming, California. The show is centered around one of the founders of the bike club (Jackson "Jax" Teller) who is in the process of questioning himself and the club he is so close to.
The show airs on the cable network FX, and began on September 3 of 2008. The third season has attracted roughly 5 million viewers per week, surpassing other hit FX shows making Sons of Anarchy the most popular show for
The Network. The plot revolves around the activities of the motorcycle club and the various acquaintances that get involved with club operations.
Sons of Anarchy also depicts club members who hold down local day jobs, while at the same time being involved in illegal weapons trading. The show is highly regarded by fans, and has a very loyal following.