The Life & Times of Tim is a two season animated HBO comedy that centers around a man in his 20s named Tim who lives in New York. This man finds himself in awkward situations in his personal and work life throughout the series, especially concerning his girlfriend Amy and friends.
The main character of the series is Tim, and his voice actor is
Steve Dildarian. Tim works for the company Omnucorp. Even when he tries to avoid it, he always somehow manages to find himself in embarrassing situations. His girlfriend Amy is very embarrassed of him, but still stays with him to help him sort out his problems. She yearns for her and Tom to be a normal couple, and dresses better than him while making more money than him. The voice actor of Amy is
M.J. Otto. Luckily, Tim can depend on his best friend and co-worker Stu, who is voiced by
Nick Kroll. Stu focuses on the simple things in life, and acts impulsively without worrying about the consequences. Tim works underneath The Boss, his nameless supervisor who is voiced by
Peter Giles. The Boss has no empathy for others, and constantly uses Tim as his pawn. Besides Stu, Tim has small-part friend Rodney voiced by
Matt Johnson.