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The Pacific
The Pacific is an HBO television series set during the pacific theater of world war 2 and focused on the US marine corps battles throughout the war. The Pacific casts over a dozen actors which include Pfc. Robert Leckie played by James Badge Dale, Sgt. John Basilone played by Jon Seda, and Pfc. Eugene Sledge played by Joe Mazzello.

The Pacific series spans in 10 episodes, portraying the US marine campaign in the war zone and in the US following the personal life and love interests at home (and abroad) with points of view mainly from three marines: Basilone, Leckie, and Sledge. Several other marines follow these characters and share in their experience from the outset of the war towards the end, each main character developing and providing a rich story of friendship and conflict with their comrades in long and unforgiving war. The series includes several famous battles each character participates in with extremely detailed scenes. Brilliantly depicted, Basilone leads the life as a hero, Sledge as the young naive upstart slogging through the war, and Leckie as a smart man traumatized by his deadly environment. It's a thriller, leaving nothing untouched in three unlikely heroes of the pacific.
March 14, 2010
60 minutes


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The Pacific Seasons and Full Episodes

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Watch The Pacific Season 1

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