The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is part of the housewives series by The Bravo Network and premiered October 14, 2010. The first season finale on January 20, 2011 was the highest rated episode with 4.2 million viewers. Housewives include Taylor "It may look like I have it all, but I want more" Armstrong, Lisa "In Beverly Hills, It's who you know, and I know everyone" Vanderpump, Adrienne "Money is what I have, not who I am" Maloof, Kim "I was a child star, but now my most important role is being a mother" Richards, Kyle "In a town full of phonies, I'm not afraid to be me" Richards, and Camille "It's time for me to come out of my husband's shadow, and shine" Donatacci Grammer.
Like the other housewives shows it's all about money, fame, catfights, fun and drama, in a very amusing way.