The Real Housewives of New Jersey, featured by the Bravo Network, is a reality based television show. It showcases the lives of five upscale New Jersey area housewives and their families. The show premiered in the spring of 2009 and was the first of the "Housewives" programs to include women who were related to one another. Caroline, Jacqueline, Teresa, Melissa and Kathy make up the current cast.
Caroline Manzo seems to take on the part of the all-knowing mother in the series. She is a few years older than the rest of The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast. Caroline is beginning to experience the empty-nest syndrome, as her three children, all in their 20's are beginning to leave home.
Jacqueline Laurita is married to Caroline's brother and is the housewife that ends up in the middle of most of the spats on the show, and her calling is to make things all better again.
Drama seems to follow
Teresa Giudice, wherever she goes. Although very likeable, Teresa seems to rub people the wrong way, and before too long, fireworks ensue.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey have recently added Melissa Gorga to the show. She is married to Teresa's brother. She's been blamed for being the cause of an ongoing rift between her husband and his family.
Kathy Wakile, Teresa's cousin is also new to the show. Kathy loves to cook, and her husband has offered to buy her a restaurant of her very own.