The Real Housewives of New York City is a reality show on Bravo that follows the lives of seven upper class women who live, work and party in some of New York City's hottest spots. The Real Housewives of New York City features a changing cast of dynamic, and sometimes volatile, women.
The Real Housewives of New York City stars
Jill Zarin,
Ramona Singer,
Alex McCord,
LuAnn de Lesseps, Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Sonja Morgan, and Cindy Barshop.
Jill Zarin is married to the owner of a high-end textile store in New York City. She lives in an Upper East Side apartment with her husband and daughter.
Ramona Singer is an entrepreneur who started her own jewelry line and wine brand.
Alex McCord is a mother, wife and author of a parenting book.
LuAnn de Lesseps is known as the "Duchess" and authored an etiquette book. Kelly Killoren Bensimon is a former model and designs a jewelry line. Sonja Morgan is a high-powered divorcee who made headlines with a DUI arrest and reports that she has filed for bankruptcy. Cindy Barshop is a single mother to twin daughters and owns a chain of hair removal spas.
When this group of driven women gets together, there is sure to be drama. The Real Housewives of New York City documents all the cat fights and apologies as they happen. Viewers get ready for a look at the underside of the upper class.