Ricky Gervais Show (animated series) is a comedy show that is based on the real-life podcasts of Gervais and his friends. These podcasts were so popular that they were in the Guinness Book Of World Records for Most Downloads. Beginning as a radio show, Gervais, along with fellow friends and comedians (
Stephen Merchant, and
Karl Pilkington) have successfully crossed over to television, using award-winning animation and lots of personality.
This show is based on the unconventional topics of converservation amongst Gervais and his friends. Every medium of news has its strange reportings and this group addresses them and discusses them with enough humor to keep audiences highly entertained. A large amount of the entertainment value in The
Ricky Gervais Show (animated series)is not found in the topics alone, but also in
The Way that the characters interact with one another. Karl is the oddest of the clan, and Stephen and Ricky has no problem expressing this, and poking fun at his rather interesting ideas about life.
The characters of the
Ricky Gervais Show (animated series) are funny, unique, and easy to relate to. The topics that are mentioned on this series provide laughs, even laughs that are at the expense of the show’s stars, making this series addicting, easy to appreciate, and hard to forget.