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Paralympic Sport TV

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Paralympic Sport TV

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the governing body of sports for athletes with a disability and acts as the International Federation for 13 sports.

For the first time in history, worldwide coverage of all sports of the Paralympic Winter Games are secured thanks to an Internet TV channel. The IPC's Internet TV channel is live with footage from previous Winter Paralympics, eg, Örnsköldsvik 1976 and Salt Lake 2002.

ParalympicSport.TV is a top quality 24/7 channel broadcasting TV over the Internet with either regular or full screen size available for the best viewing experience. Free of charge, people all over the world will be able to watch live and delayed programming, or see the coverage on demand later.

The long-term goal of ParalympicSport.TV is to become a global media platform for Paralympic and IPC sport, also providing access to images from other competitions and activities. By increasing the accessibility to coverage of Paralympic Games, the Internet Tv channel will allow more people to experience and witness the outstanding sporting performances of Paralympic athletes.

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