Heroes is a science fiction television drama series that premiered on NBC in September of 2006. It...
Survivor is a reality game show that has been produced in many countries around the world. The...
The Pacific
The Pacific is an HBO television series set during the pacific theater of world war 2 and focused on...
Little Britain USA
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Atlantis is a science fiction spin-off TV show of Stargate SG-1 which in turn was a series...
Covert Affairs
Annie Walker, the star of USA's Covert Affairs is like a lot of other twenty-eight year olds: smart,...
Game of Thrones
Based on the critically acclaimed books of George R. R. Martin, HBO's Game of Thrones is a fantasy...
If action and a strong hero is what you look for in a TV series, look no further with 24. Each...