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NASCAR RaceView is the new tool that allows you to have the full NASCAR racing experience live online at your finger tips. NASCAR RaceView is a 3-D real time multi-view version of the race that allows you to see live racing action from 3 virtual camera angles and provides a ton of up-to-date information. You can watch the front of your driver's car and see the cars in pursuit, the aerial view, or follow your driver from behind with the draft view. NASCAR RaceView also provides track pit stats and times, instant crash and caution updates, and real time driver data positions.

On top of that, you will get to hear exclusive driver and team communication for your favorite driver or switch between all the drivers! It's the complete view from the NASCAR race.

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  • 0 props
    race view is shit it would load on my lap top now im out 10.00 for nothing the hell with espn and nascar for praying on poeple who beleave in theme stupid theme
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