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Bravo TV

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Bravo TV

Bravo TV shows video interviews, previews, full episodes, and recaps of some of the hottest TV shows shown on NBC Networks. Bravo TV features popular shows such as Top Chef, Queer Eye, Project Runway, and much more. The channel focuses on pop culture like reality shows, fashion shows, makeovers, and celebrities.

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Bravo TV Comments, Reviews, and Tweets

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  • 0 props
    I wish Caroline would stop talking about herself, keeps saying we are family and stick together, and how tough she is , famous saying from her telling Danielle she was distasteful and keeps rolling her eyes at everything she says, I think she is a pain in the A-- and and telling them sahe is always right. (wrong).
  • 0 props
    They have a nice player here, with thumbnails of shows automatically loading in a nice console. "Inside the Actor's Studio" is done well here.
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