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The Tennis Channel

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The Tennis Channel

With live tournaments, news, one-on-one interviews, game analysis and skills instruction, The Tennis Channel is also constantly on the move, beyond the front lines to give viewers an all-access pass, with inside looks, behind-the-scenes coverage and a perspective this close to the action.

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The Tennis Channel Comments, Reviews, and Tweets

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  • 0 props
    Why do you never show Maria Sharapova unless she is losing? Your announcers are never for her. They only mention her double faults...but when she has an ace , they are strangely silent. Today we had to watch some mans tie breaker, instead of Maria's second set. This happens over and over. Maria is a Champion, and yet you treat her as second class. I plan my whole day around her matches, and am always disappointed in your coverage.
  • +2 props
    Simply click on the "Live" btton on the bottom right of the channel description. The Tennis Channel shows select events live online. PPV, subscription required.
  • +3 props
    i want to see tennis channel
  • -1 prop
    How can we access this channel over the PC?
  • +4 props
    My cable service doesn't have this channel available, would love to watch it via my PC....
  • +3 props
    I would love to see this channel live.
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