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Lifetime TV

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Lifetime TV

Lifetime Television is a leader in women's television and one of the top-rated basic cable television networks. Lifetime's website contains an extensive video section with clips on movies, astrology, health, beauty, home, crafts, and much more. Additionally, Lifetime has made some of their exclusive shows available in full-length online.

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  • 0 props
    cannot view anything for some reason
  • 0 props
    I looked forward to seeing your Lifetime program on J. K. Rowland tonight; however, the show was nearly ruined for my wife and me because of the LOUD background music being played by whoever produced the show. Because of it, a good amount of the conversations were made VERY DIFFICULT to hear because of the music which would have been appropriate if toned down considerably. I am not deaf at all but you will lose my wife and me when your producers do what they did to "Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story." Sincerely, Leon Ullrich, 5300 Grand Lake, Bellaire, TX 77401.
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