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Parlamentsfernsehen des Deutschen Bundestages

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Parlamentsfernsehen des Deutschen Bundestages

As Germany’s parliament, the German Bundestag stands at the centre of the country’s political life and is its supreme democratic organ of state. The German Bundestag is elected by the German people and is the forum where differing opinions about the policies the country should be pursuing are formulated and discussed.
The most important tasks performed by the Bundestag are the legislative process and the parliamentary scrutiny of the government and its work.
The Members of the German Bundestag also decide on the federal budget and deployments of the Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces) outside Germany.
Another important function performed by the Bundestag is the election of the German Federal Chancellor.

The Parlamentsfernsehen des Deutschen Bundestages streams live from pleanry sessions of the Bundestag.

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