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From its days as an alternative techno-parade with 150 ravers, it took just a few years for the Loveparade to develop into one of world's biggest parties with up to 1.6 million visitors. The Loveparade is a presentation of the many facets of electronic music, it is seen as the cradle of Germany's echno and house scene and it sets musical trends year on year.

The musical program has been opened up, a clear sign of how the Parade continues to develop: The range of musical styles is broadening, the number of live acts and show elements is increasing. Although each event has a unique motto, the basic idea remains the same: People from all over the world gather under open skies to celebrate, to dance and have fun.

Those behind the Loveparade see music as a vital element that forms a connection between all people, whatever their culture, wherever they come from. For an entire generation, music increases that feeling of togetherness and helps to overcome barriers.

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