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ESPN3 is an always-on application that provides sports content directly to your computer, including live sporting events, on-demand video, interactive games, event coverage, news analysis and more. ESPN3 allows you to store your videos and playlists to be viewed at your leisure. The program can be personalized to your interests; you may set it up to follow specific leagues, teams, and coaches. ESPN3 will keep you in constant touch with the sports you need to know about.

On April 4, 2010, ESPN360 became ESPN3. ESPN3 introduced new features and functionality that enhanced the viewing experience. ESPN3, like ESPN360, continues to offer the wide variety of great programming that sports fans have come to expect, with more than 3,500 live events annually. ESPN3 will continue to give consumers control over their broadband sports viewing experience with the ability to pause and rewind live online events. Fans will continue to be able to toggle between up to 20 events in a main viewing window, and with a single click, jump to another event. Video can be viewed in widescreen (16:9) and normal (4:3) views and can be expanded to full screen or reduced to a compact size. Recently completed events will continue to be archived and available for on-demand replay.

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