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Bookie's Wife

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48 Hours Mystery

When Bob Angleton pulled into his driveway on a Thursday evening in April of 1997, he knew something bad had happened. "As I pulled up into my spot, I noticed the back door was open," he tells 48 Hours. "Now I was concerned." Bob had begun to worry earlier that evening when his wife, Doris, didn't show up at their twin daughters' softball game. Bob, the team's coach, phoned and paged her but she didn't answer. After the game, Bob drove 12-year-olds Niki and Ali straight home. By then, even the girls were worried. "We were all worried; we didn't know where she was," says Ali. "We needed to find where she was," adds Niki. When he found the side door open, Bob didn't go inside. Instead, he backed out the driveway and called 911. Minutes later, police officers arrived, and entered the house. One of them came out and broke the news to Bob. "He came out, walked up to me, looked me in the eyes and said, 'Was your wife wearing a white shirt?' The message was clear, it was clear to me," Bob recalls. Doris Angleton's body was found lying in the hallway next to the kitchen. She'd been shot seven times in the face, five times in the chest. "My legs buckled," Bob says. "He (the officer) grabbed me and he held me up and said, 'Look, you got to be strong for your daughters; you gotta be strong for your kids. Stand up, stand up.' " As hard as it was to tell the girls what had happened, it was next to impossible to explain why it had happened, why anyone would want to kill Doris Angleton. Correspondent Richard Schlesinger has an update to this 48 Hours Mystery, which originally aired in June 2002.

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