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Annie and Liam test out the waters with his new boat, where they share their darkest secrets. Little do they know that someone is nearby and decides to share an explosive flame of gasoline with Liam's boat. Liam finally tells Naomi their relationship isn't working, leaving her more alone than ever. After a late-night dance, Naomi turns to someone for help, but he ultimately helps himself to her. Adrianna is offered the opportunity of a lifetime but is torn about the direction to take after Navid confesses his true feelings for her. Teddy discovers that Spence tried to bribe Silver and takes it upon himself to seek revenge in a most confrontational way. Ryan is delivered some mind-blowing news about his past with Jen when a mysterious package arrives on his doorstep, causing him to head down a disasterous path. Dixon and Ivy's summer vacation plans in Australia comes to a screeching halt when he confesses to kissing Silver. Harry and Debbie face a major hurdle in their marriage when she learns the truth that he has been hiding in order to protect Dixon.

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