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Davi and Goliath

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Ax Men

Shelby Stanga is still without his jet boat, but fortunately he has his trusty assistant Davi and his Go-Devil to pick up the slack. On Alaska's Kupreanof Island, the Papac crew is fighting to remain atop the King of the Mountain leaderboard, but today they're moving to the toughest section on their site. In the remote mountains of western Canada, the Triack team is hanging with the big boys, and with Kellie returning to work after recovering from an injury, it's all hands on deck. Down in Florida, Chapman logging has taken the lead in their competition with the Dreadknots and their slice of the pie keeps getting bigger. However, with a full crew and determined attitude, the Dreadknots refuse to go down without a fight. And in the high plains of Wyoming, David Zitterkopf is up early to conquer the task at hand, but with the rain coming down, he finds his production stuck in the mud.

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