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Coast to Coast 76

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(Pierce County WA - 4:17 AM Traffic Stop) South Hill Precinct - Deputy Mark Berry loves the northwest if you like doing things outdoors - there’s Mt. Rainer and Puget Sound. He’s a big fan of hot coffee with all the rain. He spots a car with an expired registration, goes to pull them over and they take off. They go through residential areas, down alleyways, down J st., west on 53rd, north on I, east on 52nd then they suddenly stop and run. Mark catches the soaked, Spanish, shoeless male driver with some help. He goes back to the car and finds it rolled into a parked car. Deputy Darrin Rayner assists. The driver is 23 and ran because he had a gun pointed at him and he lost his sandals. Mark asks why he kept running when the passenger ran in the other direction with the gun. He says he stopped, even though he was hiding. It turns out he has $48,000 in warrants for distributing and possession of drugs. Covington, KY (1:20 AM Fight in Progress) Officer Derek Uhl is en route to a large fight with people throwing beer bottles and rocks and possibly a gun. A woman is screaming for help saying a guy broke through her window and is in the back. A man points the way, they run to the back and more people point the way. Officer Mark Richardson assists in catching a shirtless, heavily tattooed guy a couple blocks later. They spot another two shirtless guys a block and away and run over and cuff them. They say they didn't do anything. One guy says he had a beef with a guy he didn't know for trying to kiss his sister. The other guy backs up the story saying the guy is 26, fresh out of prison and fondled his sister. They find the sister who says a guy grabbed her, kissed her and she told her brother. He got his friends and went over there to fight. The talk to the guy and he says a girl named Jerica sat on his lap and kissed him. Then he was sitting outside eating when the brother came over wanting to fight. He says a whole bunch of them came over throwing stuff, breaking windo

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