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08.01.97 - Friday

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General Hospital

Sarah sees Nickolas looking at her and gets flustered. Lucky notices that Emily's upset. Lucky tries to help her but she doesn't make much sense. Keesha says she feels too old to be at the party so she offers to take Emily home. Lucky tells Sarah he has to go with Emily because she's upset. Amy chats with Nickolas. He accidentally bumps into Sarah. She tells him Lucky had to leave and asks him to stay. He is walking away when she asks him to dance. He agrees and they dance romantically. Some of Sarah's friends invite them over to Kelly's for another party but Nickolas declines and leaves when Lucky's name is mentioned. Jason chews out Robin for asking Sonny to fire him. He tells her she's ruined his life, not in those exact words. Robin says she doesn't understand him and why he thinks his job is his identity. He accuses her of being overprotective of him because of his brain damage. She denies it. He talks about how he learned from her and Sonny when he first woke up from his accident

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